The Luxury Property Forum is the official forum for the luxury property sector, bringing together highly experienced and devoted members handpicked from every sector, in luxury real estate and construction. Members from each discipline, stand to benefit from bespoke introductions to and relationships with other disciplines. We facilitate the advancement and continuous growth of the luxury property industry, through developing strong business collaborations and cultivating growth opportunities as well as sharing knowledge, experience and contacts.

We are more than just a network, but are a forum for the future. 

The Luxury Property Forum’s objective is to accelerate the respective goals of its members and develop mutual understanding across the industry. We invite those, who not only have a wealth of specialist knowledge and experience, but those who embrace the constant evolution of the global luxury property industry and recognise the need for innovation and sustainability. The Luxury Property Forum provides a sense of community, inspiring and supporting diversity creating a genuinely inclusive culture.

We hold a range of bespoke, high calibre events in various luxury locations for our members. Our events are not only informative and valuable they are above all enjoyable. By facilitating the right introductions, members can benefit from exciting new business opportunities and build long lasting relationships in a supportive and inspiring community.  


 The Luxury Property Forum is open to global and national companies, business leaders and high end service providers in the luxury property sector. We welcome:

  • High Net Worth Individuals & Investors

  • Developers & Contractors

  • Architects (interior, exterior and landscape)

  • Interior Designers

  • Estate Agents, Brokers & Property Sourcers

  • Brand Consultancies & Marketing Agencies

  • Lawyers, Business & Financial Advisers

  • Art Galleries & Auction Houses

  • Mechanical, Electrical & Structural Engineers

  • Insurers & Health & Safety Consultants

  • Planning & Listed Building Consultants

  • Serviced Accommodation & Hotel Experts

  • Project Managers

  • Quantity Surveyors

  • Specialist Suppliers, Sub-Contractors & Consultants

  • And Many More!


the lpF directory

 The LPF Directory is The Luxury Property Forum’s quintessential guide to highly experienced and trusted professionals within the luxury property sector. Becoming part of The LPF Directory is your opportunity to be recognised for your accomplishments and track record by a respected platform. To learn more about this is an essential tool for anyone looking to discover new talent, find experts and answer that crucial question:
“Who would you recommend …?”, please click the link below:


We lead by example. We have a responsibility make a positive social impact on the communities in which we work. The Luxury Property Forum is a proud supporter of LandAid, the property industry charity working to end youth homelessness in the UK. LandAid brings together property industry businesses and individuals to support charities delivering life-changing projects for young people who are or have been homeless, or who are at risk of homelessness.



The Luxury Property Forum has a mission to promote, represent and educate our members and develop the industry for the better, both in the UK and internationally. Our members collectively share our objectives and values to promote community and knowledge sharing. We believe that best practice should be standard across the industry and together we should strive towards a more sustainable and diverse future. Together we have a chance to share ideas on how to build better and be better and genuinely make a difference across the luxury property sector. As a proud member and supporter of PRIME, it is our intention that the PRIME Principles will guide The Luxury Property Forum, our members and the industry as a whole to shape the luxury property and construction for generations to come.

The PRIME Principles are:

1) Being Environmentally Better;
2) Embracing Sustainable Innovation;
3) Spreading the Word;
4) Delivering Impact;
5) Making a Difference; and
6) Being Accountable

We have started to look at ways that we can act upon these intentions, and we aspire to subscribe for our first Official PRIME Score by the end of April 2022 in order to publish our own progress against these aspirations.

The PRIME Principles do not offer a ‘set and forget’, or ‘checkbox’ opportunity for us to show off our sustainability credentials.  By their nature, they are tough, and achieving a high score is not going to be easy.  We absolutely aspire, however, for each of these six Principles to become pervasive within our culture as a business, so we’re going to try and make that so.

Find out more about the PRIME Principles and how they can help you to achieve sustainable business beyond the balance sheet at https://weareprime.org

Contact for more information our Founder and CEO, Priya Rawal at priya@theluxurypropertyforum.com


"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”

 - Benjamin Franklin